Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Logo for Bolivar Worm Farm

Well we have a new logo thanks to Kevin Stratton of Kstratt Designs I think it is a crisp clean look for the future of Bolivar Worm Farm.

The fall growing season is coming real soon and the castings will go fast. Contact us to place your orders early.

Have a great weekend.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

BWF weekly info Blog

We have decided to just start a weekly blog of interesting facts and information about worm farming that we have acquired form my own experiences and things we have researched on the internet and from newsletters that we are a member of.
There is a lot of information that can be a little overwhelming for anyone that is wanting to start out in the worm farm business, so we are always here should anyone be curious to know more.
As with any farming venture, this can be a very lucrative business, but do remember that it is a business and does take time and energy to get your business up and running. You also need to make sure you have a market for your product and a good marketing strategy as well as a solid business plan.

We have been very enthusiastic to the responses received thus far. Our plan was to start off and build the worm farm for a year before actually selling any worms or product and just use the worm castings we harvest in the first year for our own organic fruit and vegetable garden, but due to the demand for fishing worms and castings we have had to start selling some product on a limited basis. This has been very promising and yet a little stressful trying to manage it so we still grow our stock over this year.

We have however been very fortunate to have found other worm farmers that have been helpful with information and advice with our venture.

Again feel free to contact us anytime with questions. You can get us on Facebook or on the Web

God Bless
Bolivar Worm Farm

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bolivar Worm Farm

So thanks to a friend I acquired an AC unit this past weekend and have the worm shed at a comfortable 73 - 82 degree temp which means we should not lose any more worms to the 100 degree heat. Now the challenge is to build a couple more bins as I have discovered a huge increase in cocoons and baby worms.

I am truly grateful for the opportunity that God has afforded us and look forward to all the challenges in making this project become a family business.

Keep following us as we progress.

God Bless.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

New worm bin project

Well it is that time again where I need to expand and build an additional worm bin. I am in the planning stages of creating a flow through all weather bin. IF this project is successful I think it will be a great benefit to all worm farmers wanting to create bins for their own personal use and also maybe expand into commercial worm farming. I am working on the plans and getting the costs for the construction worked out. As soon as I get to that point I will post the info up and then I will be doing a video on the actual construction process and progress.

Stay tuned.

God Bless.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Breeding bin has been setup

I was given an old refrigerator which I stripped down of all it's components. I took the shell and placed it in the worm house (A work shed out back that I have adapted to raise worms in) and setup the starter bedding. I will be placing roughly 8000 European night crawlers and a couple hundred Red Wrigglers in here this week after the bedding settles a bit.

We are offering night crawlers for fishing bait and currently are charging $1.95 per tub. You can order these off the website. For bulk worms please contact us with your requirements for pricing.

I will be keeping an ongoing weekly blog with the progress of the fridge bin and will get some pictures posted on the website soon.

You are also invited to follow us by liking our Facebook Page.

Have a great day and God Bless.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why Worm Farming?

Worm farms have many benefits. Every year, households get rid of hundreds or even thousands of pounds of things that can be disposed of in your own yard. This garbage ends up in city dumps and landfills where it decays and attracts unwanted scavengers. 
Home composting is the best thing someone can do for the environment from their own home. You can do something to change this, just by having earthworm farms. Instead of disposing of your garbage in the city dump, you can add your organic waste to your vermicompost bin where it will decompose organically and naturally, thanks to your earthworms. This immensely reduces your carbon footprint.
A big benefit to having worm farms is the natural product of home composting...compost! Compost is super fertile, nutrient-rich soil that can be used all around your lawn. Compost is the best natural fertilizer and it will make your plants grow larger than ever.
What about worm farming for profit? Worm farming for profit is a big and quickly growing industry. There is a bunch to learn about worm farming for profit, so take a look!

Bolivar Worm Farm

We are expanding again. We have stared to offer worms for live bait and will have the information and prices posted up by the end of the week, Look at the website for more info on this.